ICPE Books

NEW for 1998

Connecting Research in Physics Education with Teacher Education

Edited by: Andrée Tiberghien, E. Leonard Jossem, Jorge Barojas
An I.C.P.E. Book
From the Introduction:
This book was undertaken on behalf of the International Commission on Physics Education (ICPE) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) - with support from UNESCO - to make available the results of research in physics education world-wide to physics educators working with pre- or in-service physics teachers. Three editions are planned: one each in English, French, and Spanish.


 English Edition ädition FranÁais EdiciÛn EspaÒol

© International Commission on Physics Education 1997, 1998
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions
I.S.B.N. 0-9507510-3-0 (English edition)
The ICPE wishes to make the material in this book as widely available to the physics education community as possible. Therefore, provided that appropriate acknowledgement is made to the source and that no changes are made to the text or graphics, it may be freely used and copied for non-profit pedagogical purposes only. Any other use requires the written permission of the International Commission on Physics Education and the authors of the relevant parts of the book. 

Other ICPE Books:

Einstein: A Centenary Volume
French, A. P., Editor
Heinemann and Harvard University Press , 1979

Einstein: LeLivre du Centenaire
Delacote, G., and Souchon-Royer, J. Editors
Paris: Editions Hier et Demain, 1979

Einstein: A CentenaryVolume
Japanese edition
Kakiuchi,, Y., et al., Editors
Tokyo: Baifukan Publishing Co. 1981

 Niels Bohr: A Centenary Volume
French, A.P., and P.J. Kennedy, Editors
Harvard University Press 1985